
15 Night Island Treasures of Indonesia and East Timor

From Benoa to Benoa

Le Laperouse

Ponant Cruises
4 Stars
  • Cruise #: 7590035
  • Departs: Sun, Jan 26, 2025
  • Returns: Mon, Feb 10, 2025
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    Itinerary Summary

    Day by Day Details

    Cruise Segment of Itinerary

    Sunday - Jan 26, 2025
    Benoa, Indonesia
    • Benoa, Indonesia
    • Depart: 6:00 pm
    If it's a taste of exotic authenticity you're after, prepare to be spell-bound by the island of Bali, tucked away in the heart of the Indonesian archipelago. The beauty and diversity of its landscapes, the depth and richness of its cultural heritage, and the plethora of activities on offer here make Bali a little slice of heaven on Earth. The island's southern coast enthrals with its white-sand beaches, its picturesque little fishing villages such as Benoa, and its hills patchworked with terraced rice paddies further inland. Nicknamed 'the Island of Gods' for its sumptuous temples, Bali is the beating heart of Indonesian Hinduism. ...
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    Monday - Jan 27, 2025
    At Sea
    • At Sea
    During your journey at sea, make the most of the many services and activities on board. Treat yourself to a moment of relaxation in the spa or stay in shape in the fitness center. Depending on the season, let yourself be tempted by the swimming pool or a spot of sunbathing. As for lovers of the open sea, they will be able to visit the ship's upper deck to admire the spectacle of the waves and perhaps be lucky enough to observe marine species. A truly enchanted interlude, combining comfort, rest, and entertainment. ...
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    Tuesday - Jan 28, 2025
    • Maumere, Indonesia
    Floresians have an ancient culture stretching back millennia before the first arrival of Europeans in search of trade opportunities. Their history is shared through oral traditions and is recreated in song and dance. The mountainous terrain of Flores has preserved the diversity of cultures and Maumere serves as the capital of the Sikka regency and main trading port. Few tourists make it to Maumere with most stopping at Labuan Bajo and heading west to the islands of Komodo. Consequently, Maumere and has kept its charming atmosphere, an eclectic mix of a bustling trading town and a coastal paradise. Join your expedition team and local guides for a tour by local transport to the markets and tribal villages in the hinterland of Maumere. ...
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    Wednesday - Jan 29, 2025
    • Kalabahi, Indonesia
    • Bus Travel
    • Takpala, Indonesia
    • Bus Travel
    • Kalabahi, Indonesia
    The unique culture of the Alorese continues among the Takpala indigenous group who have preserved their traditional architecture and ceremonies. The island of Alor is also known as the island of a thousand mokos. The moko is a small bronze kettledrum which is believed to have originated from the Dong Son culture of Vietnam. However, it remains a mystery as to how these prehistoric Dong Son drums arrived in Alor. Local legend says that the mokos were discovered buried in the ground, and indeed mokos are still being uncovered today. Join the expedition team and local guides for a tour by local transport to Takpala village, the Museum of a Thousand Mokos, and the thriving main market of Kalabahi. ...
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    Thursday - Jan 30, 2025
    At Sea
    • At Sea
    During your journey at sea, make the most of the many services and activities on board. Treat yourself to a moment of relaxation in the spa or stay in shape in the fitness center. Depending on the season, let yourself be tempted by the swimming pool or a spot of sunbathing. As for lovers of the open sea, they will be able to visit the ship's upper deck to admire the spectacle of the waves and perhaps be lucky enough to observe marine species. A truly enchanted interlude, combining comfort, rest, and entertainment. ...
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    Friday - Jan 31, 2025
    • Bandanaira, Indonesia
    From age-old traditional cultures and ancient vestiges to coral reefs and lush green jungle... The attractions of the remote Banda archipelago seem endless. Better known as the legendary "Spice Islands" of the Ancient World, these small volcanic landmasses were the fabled prize of colonial powers for more than four centuries. Every colonial power of significance fought for control of these ten small islands that today have become largely forgotten. Walking the streets of Banda Neira is a surreal experience as your eyes are drawn to the eclectic mix of Portuguese, Dutch, and British architecture, the remnants of a rich and tumultuous history. It is, without doubt, the most historically significant and interesting of all the "Spice Islands". ...
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    Saturday - Feb 1, 2025
    • Kiti-Kiti Waterfall, Indonesia, Indonesia
    North of Triton Bay, in the Indonesian province of West Papua, lie the Bomberai Peninsula and Sebakor Bay. A real paradise for divers, this protected, authentic, and very wild area boasts an exceptional biodiversity. Here, you will be able to admire the superb Kiti-Kiti Waterfall where you could enjoy a swim or snorkel surrounded by lush nature, both on land and under water. ...
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    Sunday - Feb 2, 2025
    • Triton Bay, Indonesia
    Triton Bay is one of three regions in Indonesia's West Papua province that comprise the Bird's Head Seascape (the other two are Raja Ampat and Cenderawasih Bay), which is now considered by marine biologists to be the epicentre of the Coral Triangle. It contains more fish and coral species than anywhere else on the planet. Its unparalleled marine biodiversity and endemism, habitat richness, and relatively intact nature of its ecosystems are unique. Join your expedition team for a zodiac voyage through the spectacular rainforest-capped karst islands. Later in the day, enjoy the opportunity to explore the richness of the underwater realm. ...
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    Monday - Feb 3, 2025
    • Kei Islands, Indonesia
    The Kei Islands are blessed with kilometres of stunning, yet almost entirely empty white-sand beaches and a deeply hospitable population. Beneath the mostly Christian facade, Kei culture is fascinatingly distinctive. Local history holds that ancestors of contemporary Kei islanders came from Bali, part of the expanding Hindu Majapahit kingdom from the western archipelago. Enjoy a day of swimming and snorkelling on an idyllic uninhabited picture-postcard tropical island. ...
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    Tuesday - Feb 4, 2025
    At Sea
    • At Sea
    During your journey at sea, make the most of the many services and activities on board. Treat yourself to a moment of relaxation in the spa or stay in shape in the fitness center. Depending on the season, let yourself be tempted by the swimming pool or a spot of sunbathing. As for lovers of the open sea, they will be able to visit the ship's upper deck to admire the spectacle of the waves and perhaps be lucky enough to observe marine species. A truly enchanted interlude, combining comfort, rest, and entertainment. ...
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    Wednesday - Feb 5, 2025
    • Baucau, East Timor
    Located on the north coast of East Timor, not far from the Wetar Strait, the city of Baucau inspires wanderlust. The country's second-largest city, where the vestiges of a Portuguese colonial past spanning nearly four centuries can still be found, is a small corner of paradise known among diving enthusiasts. And with good reason: this earthly paradise, nestling between lush green hills and long white-sand beaches lining a turquoise sea, is particularly renowned for its Coral Triangle. The latter is home to multiple protected marine species, some fifteen endemic corals, and 76% of the world's coral reefs. ...
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    Thursday - Feb 6, 2025
    • Dili, East Timor
    Located on the northern coast of the island of Timor, along the narrow plains between the central mountains and the Ombai Strait, the seaside resort of Dili is the capital of East Timor, a former Portuguese colony that has been independent since May 2002. The uniqueness of this territory, still preserved from the tourist routes, is unveiled thanks to the beauty of its intact landscapes, with dense tropical forest covering undulating hills, coral reef, and immaculate sandy beaches. You will be enchanted by this small and peaceful town with a distinctive Portuguese atmosphere, and will discover the riches of its historic and cultural heritage during your visit. ...
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    Friday - Feb 7, 2025
    At Sea
    • At Sea
    During your journey at sea, make the most of the many services and activities on board. Treat yourself to a moment of relaxation in the spa or stay in shape in the fitness center. Depending on the season, let yourself be tempted by the swimming pool or a spot of sunbathing. As for lovers of the open sea, they will be able to visit the ship's upper deck to admire the spectacle of the waves and perhaps be lucky enough to observe marine species. A truly enchanted interlude, combining comfort, rest, and entertainment. ...
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    Saturday - Feb 8, 2025
    Komodo National Park, Indonesia, Indonesia
    • Komodo National Park, Indonesia, Indonesia
    Between the islands of Sumbawa and Flores, Komodo National Park welcomes you to discover its natural wonders. At the very heart of the Indonesian archipelago, the three islands that form it - Komodo, Rinca, and Padar - owe their renown to the famous eponymous dragons, enormous lizards over two meters long, which live in its grassy savanna. This jagged and hilly volcanic territory belonging to the Sunda Islands is a UNESCO World Heritage Site because of its incredible terrestrial and marine biodiversity. Admire its palette of colors, intermingling the sparkling whites of the beaches, the deep blues of the coral-filled water, and the soft greens of its pastures. ...
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    Sunday - Feb 9, 2025
    Badas, Indonesia
    • Badas, Indonesia
    • Bus Travel
    • Pamulung, Indonesia
    • Bus Travel
    • Badas, Indonesia
    The port of Badas is part of the greater township of Sumbawa Besar, on the island of Sumbawa. Like most of Sumbawa the people hold their culture strong as a major part of their identity. The island has a strong influence from the Makassarese of Sulawesi, who over the centuries have introduced a lot of their culture into Sumbawa. Join your expedition team and local guides for a tour by bus to Pamulung Village where you will be welcomed by the head of the village and have the opportunity to witness first-hand the local traditions of rice pounding, weaving, and also witness a wedding procession. Your visit will conclude with an exciting Sumbawa buffalo race, an event that will be held in honour of our visit. ...
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    Monday - Feb 10, 2025
    Benoa, Indonesia
    • Benoa, Indonesia
    If it's a taste of exotic authenticity you're after, prepare to be spell-bound by the island of Bali, tucked away in the heart of the Indonesian archipelago. The beauty and diversity of its landscapes, the depth and richness of its cultural heritage, and the plethora of activities on offer here make Bali a little slice of heaven on Earth. The island's southern coast enthrals with its white-sand beaches, its picturesque little fishing villages such as Benoa, and its hills patchworked with terraced rice paddies further inland. Nicknamed 'the Island of Gods' for its sumptuous temples, Bali is the beating heart of Indonesian Hinduism. ...
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